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Hylozoic Soil and Protocell (Philip Beesley) series:

ever changing life-
independently exists post set up-
takes in factors from immediate environment-
interactive with both living and non living beings-
delicately responsive-
slowly evolving and growing-
builds upon itself by use of interdependent systems-
co-existing systems add to the overal state of the organism-
death is result of external influence-

Buddhism beliefs:

-powers exist in both living and non living things
-life levels support living beings
-an entity does not exist independently
-every entity exists because of its relationship to others
-relation of ontology (space)
-relation of formation (time)
-interdependence and interconnectedness
-entities respond and adapt to one another
-death marks moment of transition to other existences

Dependent Originiation

“An entity does not exist and generate independently, but that every entity exists only because of its relations with or the conditions of other entities. Buddhism teaches that an entity cannot exist independently because of the fundamental interdependence and interconnectedness of all phenomena.”

“Relation of ontology (relation of space) and relation of formation (relation of time)” [...are inlucluded in this concept.]

Yamamoto, S and Kuwahara, V. S, 2008. How does Buddhism Contribute to Environmental Problems? [pdf] Available at <> [Accessed 31 Oct2 012]


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